I have to thank the people, especially Tom from the Tonasket visitor’s center. I camped behind the center but they let me have the key to the building so I could use the bathroom. We just made arrangements to return the key this morning. Again, thanks!
Once on the road again, big surprise. Another day, another climb. This time it was Wauconda Pass. It goes up to 4300 feet and was another challenge but not an impossible challenge. I topped out around 1:00 and cruised the downhill. As much as the climb would normally be the focus of the day, today was all about travelling to Republic. Republic is the town I worked in for 7 years when I first moved to Washington. So many stories and memories. I tried to look up a few old friends but they were all out of town. I left them messages.
While having a beer at the Republic Brewery (new since I worked there) I had an interesting conversation with a Guy who was visiting from Kettle Falls. I told him I used to live in Kettle Falls and it turned out he lived in the very same HOUSE I owned back in the early 1990’s. What would the odds of that be. Crazy.
For camping, I stayed at the Curlew Lake State Park. I had a great site over looking the lake and the weather was nice and clear. It was a good day.
It’s been great following your posts Greg, keep it up!
Glad we met there,glad we left there and glad you remain my friend ✌️