4 Replies to “Day 26- Post Script”

  1. A question about your day to day activities while touring (maybe only I would think of this, I live in So Cal). What about security while your traveling- say at lunch at a restaurant or even at your camp site. do you lock your bike? are you concerned when you leave your camp site to use the shower or go get food? have you ever had issues with theft or vandalism? Enquiring minds need to know! Thanks Greg!!!

    1. Greg- good question. I carry a small cable and padlock. I use it when my bike is out of eyesight but usually only in populous areas. In small rural places I usually don’t bother. That logic includes campgrounds too.
      I have almost never had an issue with theft. In Tahiti, some local just had to have my cycling gloves and took them off the bike while I was hiking. That is the most common occurrence that I have heard from others as well. Small things ON the bike, not the bike itself. So I ALWAYS take my wallet, cell phone, and camera if the bike is out of sight, whether I lock it or not.

      1. Hey Greg, thanks for the reply. I’m really enjoying your trip through your words and photos. Great job!

  2. Greg,
    You are hilarious! So glad to hear that you are taking every moment as it comes. If great beer presents, a climb can certainly wait. You’re retired after all, and this is vacation!

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