Before leaving Green River, I went to the store to get more food and supplies. This country is too remote and you never know what can happen.
I had to climb out of Green River to the awaiting sage prairie, but it was a reasonable grade. Once on top, the pedaling was easy since the wind was not a factor this morning.
I was following the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area. It is a big lake behind the Flaming Gorge dam about 40 miles to the south. Much like the Green River, I did not get to see it very often since it was in a gorge. Duh! I did take a short detour to one of the marinas and had lunch by the lake. It really wasn’t much to look at at this particular point. I am hoping that will change as I get further south.
Something happened right after lunch! A big weather cell was moving through the area and the wind changed and I bet you can guess which way it was blowing. Yes, right in my face. Any rapid progress I was making before came to a sudden stop. I really suffered for the last 15 miles.
Right outside of Manila, I stopped at a store to get a beverage. Just like that, the cell moved in, the sun came out and the wind quit. WTF? Oh well. Manila was my end point for the day. And remember what they say: Eat, Drink, and be Merry for tomorrow you may be in….
Utah! Yes, another new state. Manila is just 2 miles inside the state line.
I stayed at the KOA here. I took a nice hot shower and got to do laundry. Clean clothes. Fantastic.
Wyoming is in the rear view mirror now. I have to say that Wyoming was pretty nice to ride through. With only a few exceptions, the Hwy shoulder width was exceptional. 6 feet. The roads were in good condition and mostly the shoulders were pretty clean from debris. Now if they could just landscape the area to get rid of the sage brush and put some more towns along the way. Is that asking too much?
What an adventure Greg….I think we all enjoy reading about your daily challenges as we slave away in our offices!!!! Enjoy the trek….
Hey Greg…as to more towns, it’s WYOMING! Haven’t you heard? There are more sheep than people! (seriously!)