Day 67- Defeat at Waterloo

I did feel fine this morning. My big pan of spaghetti and pesto sauce must have done the trick last night.

This morning, it was foggy. But no wind. It would be a good day for riding and I wanted to put in a big effort today. I wanted to knock out about 30-40 miles and have lunch in Waterloo, IA and then some more serious miles afterwards.

The ground is still rolling hills and nice riding. The fog is also keeping the temperature down for now.

As I headed north and east the weather turned to mostly cloudy. Still good riding weather. A brief note about the roads of Iowa. They either run north and south or east and west. No roads that run diagonal which happens to be the way I want to travel. So when I say I am riding north and east, I really mean that I am riding north, then east, north then east, etc. Not very efficient. Remind me to send a letter to the Iowa DOT and all of the counties in the state about that.

Just outside of Waterloo, in Hudson, it started to sprinkle. Sprinkling rain causes a small dilemma. Do you put your rain jacket on or not. With the humidity and warm weather, you get just about as wet with sweat and condensation under your jacket as if you just ride in the rain without it. So for now I chose to ride without. It was just a sprinkle and it wasn’t going to last by looking at the skies ahead.

I picked up a real nice bike path heading into Waterloo. It is always nice to get on the bikepath without the traffic to worry about. Just before I hit downtown Waterloo, the rain returned, a little more serious this time. I was SO close to downtown and a lunch stop that I kept going without the jacket. I was pretty wet by the time I found a restaurant but I would dry out eventually. I try to eat lunch for at least an hour if not longer just to get a rest from the bike for a while.

I kept looking out the window at the place I was eating at and the sky kept getting darker and darker. Then the rain came. And kept coming. Harder and harder.

It didn’t take much thought at that point to decide to call it a day. I met my Waterloo in Waterloo, IA. There are benefits to weather shortened days. More rest (and I think I need some extra rest) and I get a chance to do some laundry. (I know I need to do laundry). And I can get everything dried out. The humidity keeps everything damp…. all the time which has caused some issues with my bike seat interface.

So I lost half a day on my planned ride through Iowa. Life will go on and I think I am still on pace to finish the ride in early October. I hope!

3 Replies to “Day 67- Defeat at Waterloo”

  1. Hi Greg,
    Although you did not specify, I assume your rain shortened day and opportunity to do laundry and dry out means a hotel, with a nice soft bed (and a proper bathroom). and Wi Fi. So what is your general route strategy going forward- it looks like Minneapolis is backtracking. Are you thinking of going east around Chicago or north of Lake Michigan and into Canada as you make your way east? Keep up your awesome journey and stay safe!

    1. Hi Greg- you sure are doing your homework following my travels. From Waterloo, I will continue in a north east direction and head for Wisconsin. Wisconsin always sounded better than going through Kansas, Indiana, and Ohio. I will ride into northernWisconsin, go over the Michigan Upper Peninsula (aka The UP).then south through the main part of Michigan, down around Lake Erie, follow the Erie Canal into upstate New York. Then right up into New England and eventually Acadia NP in Maine. I might have ride back to Portland, ME to catch a train to Boston. Then a Train to Chicago then the Amtrak Empire Builder which rolls right into Wenatchee.

      1. Wow, I learn a lot from your travelogue. History, weather, geography, road construction, train options, route planning, and…bike seat interface. Love it!

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