Day 70- Leaving the River

Today the weather is supposed to be nice ALL DAY. I am heading north along the Mississippi River, at least for a while. I am riding up to La Crosse. Anyone need any new boots?

The river gets VERY wide here. In places, it must be close to 2 miles wide. There are islands, multiple channels, wildlife refugees, and other interesting features. Lots of parks and boat launch ramps which on the Mississippi are called “boat landings”.

In La Crosse, I went to the hardware store to buy duct tape. The fabric on my bike saddle finally gave up the ghost and now has a nice new duct tape cover! Very avant guard. Than at the advice of a local who was attracted to my bike, I ate at Rosie’s. Very good and a La Crosse Institution.

I want to try to get within a morning’s ride of Eau Claire today. I am going to try to meet up with my good friend Lou’s sister and husband who live in the area. For even more incentive, the lady at the visitor information center in Onalaska told me about a good restaurant in Osseo which happened to serve great pie. I like pie so Osseo was the day’s goal. It was going to be a LONG day to get there.

After leaving La Crosse, I found some new hills to have fun with. Not big hills, but enough to keep my attention. I rode pretty hard to get to Osseo before the restaurant I targeted for dinner closed. Fast and long. I rolled into Osseo at 7:20 after a huge 92 mile day. That is the record so far for the trip. But the pie was good! Mmmmm.

2 Replies to “Day 70- Leaving the River”

  1. I’m loving following along on a satellite map as your ride and your descriptions. A 92 mile day with your heavy bike is impressive, especially after sooooo many days on the bike. Keep up the good work and stay safe!

  2. Hello Greg,
    We are truly enjoying this vicarious, ground exploration of the Midwest. Traveling by bicycle
    Is providing you and us with a detailed and accurate description of what is really there. Those of us who live up in this very north west corner of the country (Washington state) often bypass the Midwest completely en route to the Important East Coast. We become very haughty about the beauty and attraction of our western states. But you are showing us that there is discovery in obligation. I lived in Wisconsin for three years in graduate school and never saw or was even aware of the places you have already described. (In my defense, I was very busy and poor!) Looking very forward to Learning more about this and future states that I have visited only briefly or dissed Altogether.
    Thank you for your persistence!
    Starting to look forward to your return, Maureen

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