Day 72- The National Forest

I would love to stay at Marg and Allen’s house, but I need to keep at the trip. But today is hard to get motivated. They are just such great hosts.

It is overcast which is good for riding. The wind is blowing and the wrong way which is bad for riding. But ride I must. But I am fueled by a huge breakfast topped off by more pie!

Allen has showed me how to access the Old Abe Trial to Connell. I am looking forward to it. I look forward to riding on all trails. And the trail did not disappoint.

Once past Connell it was back to roads. My plan today was to ride to the National Forest. I did not know they had a national forest in Wisconsin so I was curious.

As I go north, the country side is increasingly more tree covered so it makes some sense that there would be some sort of forest. I rode over the hills and did a lot of the old north, then east routine. And I finally got to the NF.

It is the Chequamegon National Forest. I would say say that three times real fast, but I don’t know how to pronounce it even once! It is mostly hard wood but there are some evergreen mixed in with the hardwood too. I was going to try to camp at the Mondreaux Flowage Dam. I am not sure what a “flowage” is but I needed a campsite and this was the closest.

The area was pretty nice. Not very busy which was a bonus.

I got everything set up for the night and then made dinner. Boy did I miss having pie!

One Reply to “Day 72- The National Forest”

  1. We do like our pie!! Its amazing all the awesome people you have come in contact with on your trip, either friends or relatvies of friends, or strangers you come accross on the way. The world if filled with good people (just dont turn on the news to hear about all the less than good people!)

    Loving your saga, stay safe!!

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