It was all very spectacular even though there were no attempts today at going over the falls in a barrel.
Going to see the falls and negotiating my way through the crowds and the city, I did not make very good time in the morning. I suppose that was to be expected. I hoped to make up for it in the afternoon. I finally got out of town and headed for Lockport, NY. Lockport is significant because it is the beginning of the Erie Canal. I will be riding on it for 90 miles before my route takes me off of it. There is a lot of history there.
The trail along the canal is not paved. It is mostly a compacted sand surface that is alright for my tires, but it is not as efficient for riding. I will not be able to maintain the same pace as I can on pavement. For that reason, I will have to see if I will ride the entire 90 miles or eventually deviate and ride the parallel Hwy 31.
Camping spots are not spaced out very well in this part of the ride. There was camping in Middleport and then again in another 24 miles down the trail. Because of my delays in Niagara Falls, I felt that I would be pushing it to ride those next 24 miles so I opted for the Middleport camping option. Plus, I got to quit a bit early today at 4:30 which is nice. The camping is free for cyclists and hikers and is right on the canal. My tent is within 20 feet of the canal. Good thing I don’t sleepwalk at night.
Hey Greg, I am so glad you avoided disaster with your wheel…. a bit scary. It’s too bad you didn’t have Buffalo Wings in Buffalo. Really enjoying reading these blogs, hope you said “Hi” to Penna. for me!