After my big ride on last Thursday, I intentionally rested on Friday for some recovery. Plus, I really didn’t feel like riding anyway. Plus, it rained so that was that. I got some additional rest on Saturday as well since it was moving day.
Saturday was the day to finally leave the Ibis Budget Hotel and move across the city to my studio apartment. I can’t say enough about the Ibis. The room was affordable, clean, the room service was good, and the staff were helpful and above all else, very friendly to me. They made my first few weeks in France as easy and undramatic as possible.
With nice weather and these two days away from my bike, I was ready for a nice long ride on Sunday. I decided that I would go back to Grenoble since I now know the route fairly well and I know that I would not have to deal with weekend traffic. The 80 mile distance seemed about the right length for what I was looking for. Plus, I took some more photos of the Isere River Valley and I know that everyone looks forward to the photos. So off I went.
The ride was uneventful which is always good. I made much better time this time around since I did not have to search for the route. The only real issue was that I wanted to get some food in Grenoble. My designated turn-around point is at a park along the trail, so I ventured into Grenoble in search of a market or cafe. The park where I stopped at is adjacent to the University in Grenoble and it appears to be somewhat isolated from the rest of town. Needless to say, I struck out on the food so I rode about 10 miles back toward Chambery and got some food at a store in Crolles. The market perhaps gave me a glimpse into the future. This market did not take ANY cash. Credit or Debit cards only for any transaction. That is the first time I can say that ever happed to me.
I did discover 2 important things on this ride. This being my second ride to Grenoble, I was able to notice a lot more than just looking for route markers. The valley is a large agricultural area with lots of different crops growing. Most of the crops I had no idea what they were since it is early in the growing season, but I did notice some fields of corn. After riding through Nebraska, Iowa, and Wisconsin last year, I admit that I got a little traumatized by corn after a while, so I was a little fearful of this development. Lets just say that I am a recovering corn-phobic. I think it will be OK .
The second thing I discovered was that the wind does indeed blow in France. I haven’t really had to deal with headwinds so far until today. And of course, it was on the return portion of the ride when I was more tired. But it was OK. I made it back home just fine, ready to ride again soon.
Quite the adventure. My legs are tired just reading. Apparently your knee still works for cycling. Glad you’re having your kind of fun.
The pictures are indeed beautiful – thanks! Looking forward to seeing the area around your new apartment too.