The weather wasn’t perfect but it wasn’t supposed to rain so off I went right at noon. The route was good since I did not ride on the Hwy. And when I did get to the Hwy, there was a nice bike path that paralleled it. Sweet.
The park service was striping the roads so they had long lines of traffic stopped right at the gate to the park. For this reason, they did not charge park admission.
I took a swing through the Apgar campground which is the first campground as you come in. I was looking to see if any other cyclists were there. I didn’t see any. Plus it was my plan to ride further up the road to Sprague Creek CG anyway. I wanted to get as far up the road as possible to shorten tomorrow’s ride up to Logan Pass.
Next I went to the visitor’s center to get the lowdown on riding up the Pass. They gave me the same information that Matt had given me two days earlier. That the roads would be closed at Avalanche Creek to vehicles but bikes and hikers could go 8 miles up the road to the “Loop”. Then we would wait for the park road crew to finish their work for the day and they would open the upper gate. It was an ideal situation even thought I did not plan it that way and it was plain luck it was going to play out that way.
At Sprague Ck, there were two other cyclists there so it was fun to share stories with them. They were going in different directions than me so I would not see them after tonight. I went to sleep that night thinking of nothing else besides the climb tomorrow.