I am going to ride to another section of the National Forest today. It should be about another 60 mile day. I need to ride east and hit the Hwy 13 first off. But I might have a problem. As I was going down the county roads I encountered a “Road Closed” sign with no detour as an alternative. In this case I am hoping that I can get my bicycle through whatever they have going on.
Today was not so easy. The county was replacing a culvert and had a deep trench all the way across the roadway. Luckily they said I could carry my bike across the trench which was still a major chore. I had to take all of the bags off to lower the weight to manage the steep trench. But I got it accomplished which saved about 10 miles of backtracking.
After getting past the trench and getting on Hwy 13 I headed north. I had some lunch in Prentice and made a decision to bypass the town of Phillips in lieu of taking backroads to the forest and eventually Hwy 70. The plan was to ride on Country Road H and then road 139 north to Hwy 70.
All went according to plan except I just couldn’t find Road 139!
I saw a road to Sailor Lake but it was a gravel road. So obviously that was not the correct road. So I kept on riding. And eventually ride into Phillips which was the town I had originally decided to bypass. Well, I only lost an hour and a half on this road snipe hunt.
From Phillips, I decided to ride north on Hwy 13 to Fifield, then east on Hwy 70. I was a little dejected about having to ride so many extra miles but then decided that it was just “bonus miles” for the trip. That made it alright.
When I got to Fifield and turned east, I finally picked up the tailwind I had been fighting all day so that made it even MORE alright. Along the way, I solved the mystery of Road 139. 139 was a Forest Service road number and it was the Sailor Lake Road all along. I wasn’t going to have been able to ride it anyway since it was gravel. It would have been nice to have figured this all out before hand. C’est La Vie
I made 20 miles on hwy 70 in about an hour- 10. Pretty fast. Then it was on to the Moose Jaw resort to camp, eat dinner, and enjoy a few Spotted Cow drafts from the New Glaurus brewery in Wisconsin.
I think I will sleep good tonight. And to my friend Tom in Wenatchee but originally from Wisconsin who loves Spotted Cow, eat your heart out!